Speak Up For Yourself When It Comes To Your Health

It’s OK to challenge doctors.

Especially if they are not listening to you.

It’s OK to look for a different doctor who will listen to you.

These are crazy times.

Make your health a priority.

Last year, a doctor told me I had Hashimotos. It didn’t make sense. It made sense that I had subacute thyroiditis. But she would not listen.

So I went to a different doctor. He ran more bloodwork and agreed I had subacute thyroiditis. One year later, just had my thyroid checked… still normal.

What would I be going through now if I had not challenged that original diagnosis?

Be your own advocate.


Listen to your body.


Where Are Tiger King’s Tigers? Travel Video 23

In my latest travel video, I visit The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado where Joe Exotic’s Tigers now live.

And I was going to stay at a truck stop, but that didn’t work out.

Watch video here https://youtu.be/0QOGgDIF3dA?feature=shared

And please share to spread the word about these beautiful animals.

Thank you.


Travel Video. Working Through Some Things at Carter Lake

I took a quick road trip to Carter Lake (Northern Colorado) where I did some winter camping for the night.
I had some things on my mind, so it was good to get away.
While hiking, I learned my minivan has a party when I’m gone… lots of strange noises…??

Let me know if you know what those mysterious sounds are. 🙂
